"Create HTML/JS"
" - unregistered"
"No PGN-file or file is in use."
"White square"
"Black square"
"Page background"
"Registered for"
"Please enter your registration code"
"After inserting the registration code,§the link to the PGNtoJS website on the created pages can be disabled."
"If you want to use this program after a trial period, you have to register.§The registration fee is 15 Euro.§§You can register per email to"
"As an alternative, you can go to"
"and enter the program number there:"
"Use bitmap"
"This tool converts chess games from a PGN-file to HTML-pages. On these the surfer is able to replay the moves.§§§§The browser must be able to use JavaScript Version 1.1 (for instance, the browsers of Netscape and Microsoft version 4 or higher or Opera version 5 or higher) §§§§If you drag a PGN-file to the program icon, all games in this file will be converted into a playable game file for posting on the internet. The output files will be saved to the folder chosen by the user in the configuration. They are named after the PGN-file. Also, the game list accepts Drag & Drop.§§§§In addition, the program can be started from the command line with 2 parameters: "pgntojs.exe c:\test.pgn projectname". In this case existing project files will be overwritten without question, and the browser will not be started.§§If you do not wish to convert all containing games, you can enter a list with numbers of the desired games, separated with spaces.§§§§Some objects, such as the game list or the game editor, offer a context menu with additional functions after a click with the right mouse button. Hold down the button while Fischer-castling. In addition, some fields display a hint after moving the mouse cursor onto them. If you should need further help, please ask your question by "? - Feedback".§§§§Please note, that you can compress the created gif files a little bit if you load them into a graphic program and then simply save them without changes."
"Please mark the games§you wish to convert."
"Which layout should the HTML-page have?"
"No frames"
"Center diagram"
"Process cancelled!"
"Show variations"
"Border width of frame:"
"Margin (no preview):"
"Board frame width manual"
"Diagram properties:"
"Border width:"
"Notation properties:"
"Main variation"
"1. variation"
"2. variation"
"Color of topical move"
"Hide moves"
"|Please select output folder."
"Output folder:"
"|Please enter a name of the HTML-project:"
"Replace existing project files"
"Save JavaScript code in separate "chess1.js"-file"
"As an option, insert the HTML code from text file"
"In front of diagram:"
"Behind diagram:"
"In front of notation:"
"Behind notation:"
"Following files were created:"
"If necessary, you can supplement HTML code with a text-editor.§Be careful when using HTML-editors - they should not change the script!"
"Thank you for using "PGN to JS"!"
"Please wait..."
"<< Back"
"( Deactivate it only if the server doesn't support the extension "js" )"
"The maximum for bitmap is 256 colors."
"Height : width ratio must be 1 : 6."
"The height must be a number of 2."
"Between notations:"
"If the browser doesn't use JavaScript 1.1"
"( Not for Netscape browsers )"
"File already exists."
"*** Project was created successfully. ***"
"Errors occurred"
"Pictures of pieces:"
"Pictures of squares:"
"Picture of start position:"
"Unexpected error!"
"Error loading games!"
"Main file:"
"File for diagram:"
"File(s) for moves:"
"Output folder:"
"Icon for start position:"
"Couldn't insert text from "
"For each game a new page"
"White to play"
"Black to play"
"and draw"
"and win"
"and secures an advantage"
"and gains initiative"
"and gets a good endgame"
"Other possibilities..."
"Last move: "
"PGN-files (*.pgn)|*.pgn|EPD-files (*.epd)|*.epd|All files|*.*"
"Board rotation possible"
"Solving mode"
"Do not show points in commentary"
"You have to insert assigned and winnable points for a move as commentary of move§(at first position) in PGN-game. Example: 1.e4 {2 points}§In addition, you should select "Hide moves"."
"Characters of pieces"
"You do not need to enter anything here, but if you do so, please enter characters in all fields."
"Copy of PGN possible"
"Problem chess"
"Numbers of moves as in helpmate ( 1. MoveBlack; 1... MoveWhite )"
"Create positions of Fairy Chess"
"|Right mouse button for context menu. Hold if you wish to mark several games."
"Please enter number.§Actual game and number of the next games§will be written to the same page,§even if the option "For each game separate page" is selected."
"Write games together..."
"A bitmap (*.bmp; not more than 256 colors) must contain the pieces.§The square pictures must be arranged as shown in the example below.§Second row contains an exact copy of first row. In the white colored areas the background will later be visible; this is not so in the black colored areas.§You can choose the magnitude freely, but the height : width ratio must always be 1 : 6."
"An error occurred while saving."
"In Fairy Mode you can change the current position if the last move is marked and Setup-Mode is activated. Setup the white piece with the left mouse button, the black piece with the right mouse button. You can enter the next move after finishing Setup Mode.§§Please use arrow keys to play the moves.§§After a right mouse click onto the board or notation a context menu appears.§There the option "Copy position side by side" arranges the current position as chess font text next to a previous copied position.§§You have to define characters for Fairy Pieces and import a (chess) font or choose a bitmap which contains a compatible set of pieces (see of Diagram properties).§§A Fischer castling you can execute while the key is pressed.§§The Chess Informant signs from the context menu of notation will only be shown as symbols after creating the html site. In addition, by now only one sign can be assigned to a move.§§BEFORE selecting "Copy changes from DGT board" the value for COM must be adjusted and the current position must be the same as that on the DGT board!"
"Save game?"
"Clear the board?"
"Setup of position is only possible if the last move is marked."
"Delete game.§Are you sure??"
"Game information"
"No result"
"Save to"
"Insert commentary"
"Setup Mode (F2)"
"Fairy Mode (Pressed = Activated)§If you wish to change position after inserting move, choose Setup Mode."
"New game"
"Save as..."
"Show game information"
"Previous game"
"Next game"
"Cut moves..."
"Delete variation"
"Promote variation"
"Empty square"
"Clear board"
"Fairy Pieces..."
"Setup position"
"Copy PGN-game"
"Paste PGN-Game"
"Long notation"
"Move Numbering as in Helpmate"
"Create pictures from chess font"
"Delete game"
"Insert #"
"Retro Notation (valid for actual move)"
"Long (will be used in Info-Dialog of HTML-Page):"
"§Pieces sets F21 - F54 were donated by Elmar Bartel."
"These pieces are distributed under the "
"that means you may freely use and copy them, §if a credit to the author and information about the GNU GPL is displayed somewhere on your website."
"Available pieces"
"New pieces"
"<< Add"
"Information about creating new pieces:"
"Save example"
"Please choose bitmap..."
"Next move?"
"Points total:"
"That's all!"
"Cut next moves"
"Cut previous moves"
"No to All"
"Yes to All"
"Right mouse button for context menu"
"Add a button for information about Fairy Pieces"
"File with information about Fairy Pieces:"
"White to move"
"for next move"
"Setup is valid for the next move"
"Open a pgn database"
"Write a headline for each game (also if "Write games together" is configured)"
"Site / Annotator"
"Clear all"
"First position"
"Chess Search"
"If "or" is selected, all games will be found which contain just one of the entries."
"At least one field has to contain more than one character."
"Searching ..."
"Nothing found."
"Create search index for generated html files..."
"... in the following folder (with subfolders):"
"Add player menu"
"Name of project:"
"Add search for theme"
"Configuration file..."
"This is an additional feature which allows a search based upon any criteria.§It's still necessary to configure it manually.§§Please insert descriptions for themes and assign a code (some characters) to them.§If a game contains the theme, you can enter the assigned code into corresponding entry for this game§in "xxx_database.js" manually using the text editor.§More themes for one game must be separated by "|", for instance "1.Theme|2.Theme".§§A "Theme-field" on HTML page will occur if you define at least one entry."
"Please choose configuration file for themes..."
"Please choose a file or insert a new file name..."
"Hold to select more than one"
"Pictures for =, +- etc."
"Insert "+""
"Names of Fairy pieces"
"Bitmaps (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All files|*.*"
"Save as:"
"Please enter characters of pictures of the Fairy pieces:"
"( Please read the information in )"
"Convert all games..."
" games will be converted and written to separate pages.§The pages will be named in the following way: "
"Create search index..."
"Save total"
"Extended buttons"
"Create pictures for Informant-signs"
"Folder of shared files (Empty = use current folder) :"
"Save position as bitmap"
"Save position as JPEG"
"Copy position as (chess) font"
"Copy positions"
"Positions side by side (then copy)"
"Key is wrong."
"Please read info in the file§"1Echecs.chessfont" to add fonts."
"Copy to clipboard"
"Text files|*.txt; *.rtf|All files|*.*"
"Frame file:"
"Link to PGNtoJS-Site"
"Ok, accept"
"Cut text"
"Copy text"
"Paste text"
"Choose font"
"Font color"
"Background color"
"Font size"
"Insert image"
"Save as "
"New file"
"Open RTF file"
"Save file"
"Save as..."
"Height of headline frame"
"Insert link"
"Open in"
"current frame"
"parent frame"
"current browser window"
"new browser window"
"Button for main variation (avoids choosing of variations)"
"Insert diagram instead of character:"
"Square Size:"
"Useful to create figurine notation§(Setup the corresponding fonts on the notation page -§Please read in html articles about how a special font can be embedded into html pages.)"
"Buttons for saving of total points"
"Graphical Buttons"
"Show always last move"
"Show last move below diagram even if the browser already marks current move"
"A html page will be imported which must contain the string {pgntojs} on that place on which the games shall be inserted.§§Also notation alongside the diagram?"
"The page already contains an inserted game."
"The position on which the diagram should be inserted is unknown.§Please use the button "{pgntojs}" in "Settings - Advanced"."
"Merge to an existing page..."
"The option for the creation of a separate project for each game is chosen.§§"
"on new line"
"Capture sign "x":"
"Space after move no."
"Name of project:"
"Filtered by "
"Save current configuration"
"Please insert a name for the profile:"
"&Filter PGN"
"&Shared Files ..."
"&Language / Sprache"
"Custom HTML"
"Create &HTML/JS"
"&Convert all games"
"&Merge to an existing page"
"&Show Output Log"
"&Positions of Fairy Chess"
"Create &search index"
"&About ..."
"Problem Chess"
"Please type an expression to look for.§Only games that contain this expression in their headers will be listed."
"Ellipsis "...":"
"Diagram frame with scrollbar"
"&Information ..."
"Switch board"
"Replace the following buttons with images:"
"The file "%s" already exists.§§Overwrite?"
"Could not create output file."
"Output file is write protected."
"Please choose games first."
"The folder "%s" doesn't exist. It will be created now.§§Continue?"
"Error while creating folder."
"List of links"
"If a project contains more than one game, the links on this site can be used to operate so, that a selected game comes up at first (only if frames are used).
Also, you can link to a selected position of a game by writing <> as comments after the corresponding move.After converting, additional links for the marked moves will appear on this page. The characters <> must be written at the start of the move comment, and they will be removed in the created game page."
"If the entered character will be found in a comment of a move,§the current position will be inserted as diagram."
"Insert diagram"
"Error while uploading: Please check whether the properties "Frames" and "For each game create a new page" are selected."
"Pages for live transmission"
"will be prepared"
"reload interval in seconds"
"Please only activate it if a live game transmission shall take place.§After uploading of the project files you can use§the live transmission function in the game editor§or the option "Advanced - Recreate project automatically ..."."
"Project folder on server:"
"Upload common files repeatedly"
"No confirmation before copying"
"Upload the changes immediately"
"Copy changes from DGT board"
"The option "Options - Settings - Upload - Pages for live transmission will be prepared" is selected.§You should only activate it if a live game transmission shall really take place.§§Continue?"
"Upload immediately after creating a project"
"In game list only this game must be selected which shall be transmitted."
"The file %s already exists. §§Overwrite?"
"Uploading "
"(Do not upload if file already exists)"
"The folder for the common (image-)files cannot be created on the server in the same way as it exists on the local system with respect to the folder of project files.§§Please check "Options - Settings - Upload - Project folder" and/or "Options - Shared Files".§§(It is recommended that one save the common files to a folder which is a subfolder of project folder.)"
"The output folder is on another drive than the folder for the shared files. These files will be copied to the output folder too."
"Check for updates ..."
"New information or an update of the program are available. You can check it by "Info - FAQ/Updates"§§Do you wish to visit this website now?"
"Upload with time display (click to clock to change it)"
"Button Captions..."
"Background Image:"
"Time pressure"
"Advantage in opening"
"New opening move"
"Only possible move"
"Evaluation of position/move"
"With the idea"
"Better is"
"Behind move"
"Before move"
"Start Position"
"Red to play"
"Write requirement ("White to play and win" etc.)"
"Choose games randomly"
"Please insert:"
"Close connection to DGT board?"
"Advanced project properties:"
"Insert project into following html page:"
"Insert {pgntojs}"
"This page is used as a template (the original page will be unchanged)§and must contain the string {pgntojs} on that location,§where the project shall be inserted."
"Only insert the diagram without notation"
"Create a separate project for each game"
"Recreate project automatically when the pgn file is changed"
"The Option "Recreate project automatically when the pgn file was changed" is selected.§That means that the database can be changed by other programs, but the games cannot be edited as long as this option is selected."
"In the following dialog you can also create a new file by entering a new file name and then use "Tools - Game editor" to add games.§§By the way, press to convert all games of the database.§§Do you want this hint to be displayed again the next time?"
"Add analysis engine§(the engine file will only be copied to the folder of shared files if that folder is a subfolder of the project folder)"
"activate "Notation - Hide moves""
"Use proxy"
"Authentication is needed"
"User name:"
"Show it"
"Do not save it"
"Insert paragraph instead of a character"
"Write Cascading Syle Sheets to a separate file (*.css)"
"Save it into the folder with the shared files"
"Move comments"
"You must also choose it if the game menu shall be displayed§if using the option "Merge into an existing page" AND "Only insert the diagram"."
"This is only valid if "No frames" is selected"
"Styles of fonts, etc., will not be written into the html page,§but into the file "projectname.css", where you the option of editing it with a text editor."
"If you select it, the scrollbar is only displayed if it is necessary because of the window size."
"Then you cannot select the games from the menu,§but a randomizely chosen game is displayed after loading that page."
"A shared file "chess.css" will be used for the style definitions -§Changes of that file will be valid for ALL projects created with this option.§This file is only replaced if you select the "shared files" option in the main form."
"You can also convert each game separately with a different project name instead of using this option."
"Other programs are allowed to change the current loaded file§ and it is periodically checked for any changes.§(You might use it together with "Upload changes immediately" for live transmissions.)"
"The displaying of coordinates is not yet possible together with the option "Board rotation possible"."
"Double click onto a line to edit the font."
"Speed of autoplay can be adjusted."
"Buttons for navigation in variations."
"Tip: If the mouse cursor is moved to the created images, a hint will be displayed.§That hint is the text currently defined as caption for the text buttons."
"A result must be entered in the games to use this option."
"Adds a link to the corresponding pgn file"
"If the option "No Frames" is selected, the defined texts for the notation are valid.§Tip: If the "HEAD" tags are found in the chosen html fragment file,§the text written between them will be copied to the header of the created page.§However, you can also use the "frame header" instead."
"Tip: The created gif files will be not replaced when the next project is created§that means, you can change them as an option."
"Select it temporarily, if the shared files (images, chess1.js) shall be replaced on the server."
"Please do not insert values which are too small here."
"Please note the difference if "No frames" is selected or not."
"Replace shared files"
"Import chess font ..."
"Fairy Pieces"
"Use it together with the corresponding option of the context menu in the game list"
"Do you really want to reset all configuration values?"
"It is recommended that one save the shared files (gif files, chess1.js, chess.css and loadinfo.html) into a separate folder§if you want to create several projects in various folders.§Please note, finally the folder tree on the server must be as well as on the local system."
"Shared files are used from all projects (gif files, chess1.js, chess.css and loadinfo.html)."
"Diagram frame header"
"Notation frame header"
"Informant-signs as letters"
"Letters ..."
"Font of main variation"
"Collect tournaments"
"All games which contain the same "Event" tag will be written to the same page."
"Copy game(s) into HTML editor"
"Take move back|Delete last entered move"
"Previous move"
"Next move"
"Preview|Show pages which will be printed"
"Size of board"
"Create HTML/JS"
"Close window"
"Copy executed moves into the text"
"Insert or remove number of move"
"Select font"
"Size of font"
"Color of font"
"Save as"
"Undo last deletion"
"Select font"
"Left align"
"Right align"
"Save &as"
"Export as &RTF"
"Im&port RTF"
"Adjust printer"
"&Mark all"
"&Left align"
"&Right align"
"&Convert moves"
"&Insert/Remove move number"
"&No move check"
"Deactivate the check for legal moves while inputting"
"&Extended setup"
"Setup a position with fairy pieces etc."
"&Assign position"
"Current position will be assigned to the marked text"
"Assign &image"
"Replace the current move/text with a picture in html"
"Use &numbering as in help mate"
"Black moves will be numbered first"
"&Convert text to moves"
"The marked text will be converted to replayable moves"
"Setup board"
"Paste FEN"
"Copy FEN"
"Mark all"
"This module is a combination of text and game editor with which you can place moves and positions or font styles absolutely freely. Copy the wanted games with the context menu (right mouse button) of the game list into this editor.§§The necessary functions are collected under "Options". Probably at first you must test a little bit, for instance executed moves will only appear in the text if the corresponding button is pressed (please note: if that mode is not selected, the corresponding chess position will always be displayed on the board immediately after you have changed the cursor position.§§The characters of pieces defined in configuration are used. The extended setup option uses the selected set of fairy pieces which can contain any pictures you like. Place a black piece with the right mouse button; pieces can be removed if no button is pressed in the selection window.§§You can assign any positions you like to any text passages you like which should be written between spaces.§§If you assign a gif picture to such a text passage, that picture will be appear instead of the text after conversion.§§If the text contains more than one game, the first moves of each game should be marked with the corresponding function.§§If you wish to convert text to replayable moves, you must before setup the starting position for those moves. You can enter "illegal" moves for Fairy Chess after selecting "No move check".§§This editor is very flexible, but it doesn't support directly special features like the "fischer castling" in the game editor. Also, it may be that the indexing for the search function doesn't work with pages created with this editor. In addition, the importing of fairy games created with the game editor is not yet possible. You should fully create such positions in the html editor if you need the extended functions of that editor."
"Search for:"
"Case sensitive"
"Mark/demark start of new game"
"If the text contains more than one game, the first move of each game should be marked"
"Start of game"
"Save changes to %s?"
"The file %s could not be opened."
"Error while opening pgn file %s."
"Error in file."
"Overwrite %s?"
"Row: %3d Col: %3d"
"Rich-Text-Files (*.RTF)|*.RTF|All files (*.*)|*.*"
"PGNtoJS-Files (*.CPF)|*.CPF|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
"Please mark the text at first which shall be converted."
"The current position will be assigned to "%s".§Continue?"
"Error in variation tree!§§It is recommended that one not save this file. Instead, trash the last changes. Then you can load the previous file again.§Before loading the previous file you could have exported the text as rtf file.§§Shall the saving be cancelled?"
"A backup of the current document was saved in "%s"."
"Delete. Are you sure?"
"Error while saving!"
"Assign te&xt"
"Replace text of marked move"
"Assign text"
"Move marker"
"Start of variation"
"If fairy pieces are set up, the first move of each variation should be marked"
"Next move in main variation"
"If fairy pieces are set up, after variations the next move of the main variation should be marked"
"Hint in window:"
"Click on the piece you wish to move and then click on its destination square."
"Hints for fairy pieces"
"For solving mode"
"For solving mode"
"Unclear position"
"Save as gif"
"The created gif files can be compressed a little bit by loading and saving with a graphic program."
"Please choose a name for the file the created bitmap shall be saved to."
"The file %s already exists.§Shall it be replaced?"
"Please fill in all fields."
"Insert null move"
"It's also used as an alternative hint if using graphical buttons"
"Analysis window below notation (only with frames)"
"Click to this area to start and stop the analysis"
"Hint in the applet window:"
"Start position as picture"
"Only necessary if you want to support browsers with deactivated Javascript -§otherwise you do not need these .gif files (starting with "b" or "w").§In this case also the diagram pages are ca. 300 bytes smaller per containing diagram."
"Use a separate font for the letters of pieces:"
"Please do only use this option if the figurine font§does not contain the normal letter and digits used for the notation (the file size will be larger)"
"Insert diagram"
"Background color"
"Spaces between buttons"
"will be added to the project for a web search§(can also be used if the games do not belong to problem chess)"
"Extended keywords ..."
"Extended keywords for the web-search were defined with the button on the "Problem chess" tab. They will be added to the created page."
"Keywords for the web search for chess positions by "
"Schlüsselworte für die Web-Suche nach Schach-Positionen durch "
"Keywords for the position (if this page should contain more than one position, the first position will be displayed after clicking to the link above - please use the menu then)
Schlüsselworte für die Position (falls die Seite mehrere Positionen enthält, wird nach Anklicken des obigen Links die erste Position angezeigt - bitte dann das Menü verwenden)"
"Extended keywords (especially for problem chess)
Erweiterte Schlüsselworte (speziell für Problemschach)"
"If you want to add such keywords to your chess website, click %s here %s.
Falls Sie derartige Schlüsselworte zu Ihrer Schach-Seite hinzufügen wollen, klicken Sie %s hier %s."
"Keyword generator / Search"
"Send link"
"If you create the pages with PGNtoJS, the keyword site will be integrated automatically if you have selected the corresponding checkbox.§§Otherwise choose an existing html page now. The keyword site for the currently selected games and/or the current properties chosen in the keyword dialog will be created (file name: name of that html file + "_keyword"), and a link will be appended onto that existing page.§§Do you want to continue?"
"Link can be sent via email"
"Show the solution separately only after some moves"
"Only after some move inputs the solution will be displayed in a separate window.§You can use whole games, also. In this case that position will be displayed as a combination which is valid after a move with a comment starting with "diagram" (13.d5 {diagram Any comment} , for example).§The remaining comment will be written below the diagram, the first 3 words with the font defined in "Custom HTML - Player" and the remaining text with the font defined in "Custom HTML - Event".§The hint for the move input in the created pages is that text defined for the analysis window hint,§and some of the solving mode messages will be displayed."
"Paste FEN"
"Copy FEN"
"Separate pgn file for each html page"
"An EPD file must be converted to pgn at first. Shall the file %s be created?"
"Separate page for browsers without JS"
"This is recommended if using the option "No frames" and for many diagrams which do not display the starting position.§Browsers without support of JavaScript will show a link to that separate page without JS.§The text of this link can be defined in "HTML - As an option, insert... - If the browser doesn't..."§You must define a text file with the desired message there."
"Do not write any comments"
"Click with the right mouse button onto the board or the notation panel"
"Move animation"
"This is only possible if the option "Layout - No frames" is deactivated§and no fairy pieces are used.§If you want a move animation, the value 1 is recommended."
"Jumps to the next variation or to the end of the game or back"
"Extended analysis button"
"It provides in the analysis window some extended functions, such as the engine, a setup option, etc.§The required files will be saved into the folder of the shared files.§and the files of the 33-pixel pieces set will be created, in addition."
"Click to the place to which the diagram shall be inserted, type in the string {pgntojs} and press "Save".§§Please note: If you save the file after selecting "Edit with Internet Explorer", the HTML code may be different than that code created by your regular web editor."
"Do not show game menu"
"IMPORTANT: If each game is on a separate page, you cannot select them without menu.§You must create own menus in this case - the correct links to each game can be taken§from the option "Tools - List of links" after creating the project."
"Add links for searching"
"The link to the next game of the game menu will be appended to every game page.§This ensures that a the robot of a search engine is able§to follow those links and to add the remaining pages to its search index."
"Load also the saved properties of the upload page (server, folder, options) and the local project folder as well as the html page the project shall be inserted into, if defined."
"Do you really want to delete this item?"
"After inserting an "empty" move the game must be saved in a special format which maybe cannot be read by other pgn readers.§§Shall this hint be displayed again the next time?"
"Hint for users who have already created chess pages by using a former version of PGNtoJS (lower than V.3.3):§§Please do not forget the file "chess1.js" when uploading the project files.§The file "chess.js" created by the former versions for the older chess pages must not be deleted on the server nevertheless."
"If it is selected, the Informant symbols must be a part of the font assigned to the notation."
You can rename this file to "AnyLanguage.150lng" and edit strings ("§" for line feed). Then in language menu will be added the entry "AnyLanguage".