Svidler, Peter (2690) - Ivanchuk, Vassily (2740)
Dortmund, 07/04/1998
Round 8 [Svidler, P]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3
Nc6 3.Bb5 a6
4.Ba4 Nf6 5.
10.d4 Re8 11.Ng5
Rf8 12.Nf3 Re8
13.Nbd2 Bf8 14.d5
Nb8 15.Nf1 Nbd7
Rc8 As
far as I know, this is a novelty. 16...g6 and 16...Nc5 were played numerous times before.
17.Nh2 I
decided to go for the most standard reply. Other possibility was
[17.a3!? , trying to keep the bishop on
the a2-g8 diagonal,]
[while 17.a4 Nc5
18.axb5 axb5 19.Bc2
(19.Ba2 Ra8 )
19...c6 20.b4
(20...Na4 21.Bxa4
bxa4 22.c4 )
21.dxc6 Rxc6 leads
17...Nc5 18.Bc2
c6 19.dxc6 Bxc6
[20.Ng4 I liked less on general grounds:
in the inevitable (I thought) fight for the d5-square the knight on e3 will be of more use than a bishop.]
20...g6? A highly unusual strategic approach,
not likely to be seen again. Black probably wants to keep the h6 square for his bishop in lines like
[20...h6 21.Bxf6
Qxf6 22.Ng4 Qd8
23.Ne3 with a very slight edge.
(23.Nf5 h5! is
no good)]
But the remedy turns out to be far worse than the dicease.
Kf8 Actually the only move.
[22...Kg7 seems to lose by force:
Ne6 24.Nhf5+ gxf5
25.Nxf5+ Kg6
(25...Kf8 26.Nxe7
Nxg5 27.Qxf6 )
26.Bxf6 Bxf6
27.Qg3+ Bg5
(28.h4 is also quite good:
29.Rad1 Rd7
28...Kf6 29.Rxd6
Qc7 30.h4
Bh6 31.f4!! ,
and White is finally getting to the king.]
23.Qf3 At first I thought I was winning
easily with
[23.Bb3 Ne6
(23...d5 24.Bxf6
Bxf6 25.Bxd5 )
24.h4 , and all I need now is to
play Qf3, and Black will never have any moves at all. But then I discovered
24...Ng8 and
decided to look for something else. I found it, but it was also possible to look deeper in this line:
(25.Bxe6 fxe6
26.Qf3+ Kg7
27.Qf7+ Kh8 )
(25...Nxg5 26.hxg5
Nxh6 27.gxh6
f5 28.Nxf5
gxf5 29.Qh5
d5 30.exd5 )
(26.Bxe6 Bxg5
27.Bxc8 Bxh4 ,
and I am not at all sure White is so much better here.)
26...Kg8 27.Nf5
(27...Bf6 28.Nxd6)
28.Ng7! (that's the move I failed
to find at the board)
28...Re7 29.Nxe6
(29...fxe6 30.g3 )
30.Bxe6 fxe6 ]
23...Bd7 But
now White must hurry, since Black wants to play Kg7, and after that it will prove virtually impossible
to stop Rf8 and Ng8 with total liberation.
[23...d5 is bad in view of the simple
[and after 23...Ne6 24.h4 successfully
stalemates Black again, since
24...Kg7 is
always met by
24.Red1! It is very important to keep
the ... a2 pawn protected!
[24...Be6 loses: 25.Ngf5!
gxf5 26.exf5
Bd7 (Black would, of course, prefer a2,
but it's unavailable)
(26...Bc4 27.b3
Bd5 28.Rxd5
e4 29.Qd1 )
27.Qg3! Ng8
(27...Nce4 28.Bxe4
Nxe4 29.Bxe7+
Kxe7 30.Qh4+
Kf8 (30...Nf6
31.Ng4 ) 31.Qxe4
Qf6 32.Ng4
Qxf5 33.Qxf5
Bxf5 34.Ne3
Be6 35.Rxd6
28.Bxe7+ Nxe7
29.Rxd6 Rc6
(29...Qc7 30.Rf6 )
(30.Qxe5 is also good enough:
31.Qd5 Nxh6
30...Qc7 31.Qxe5
Ng8 32.Qh8
Rxd6 33.Qxg8+
Ke7 34.Re1+ ]
25.b4! The beginning of a very long
tactical idea.
25...Na4 26.Bb3
[26...Rxc3 is bad: 27.Nxf7
Rxf3 28.Nxd8
(28.Bh6+ Kg8
29.Nxd8+ Rxb3
30.axb3 Rxd8
31.bxa4 bxa4 )
(28...Rxd8 29.gxf3
Bxh3 30.Rac1 )
29.axb3 Rxd8
30.bxa4 bxa4
31.Bxf6 Bxf6
32.Rxd6 Be7
33.Rd5 ]
[Here 27.Bxa4 bxa4
28.Ngf5 does not work:
29.exf5 e4
30.Qg3 Bc4]
27...Bxc4 Played very quickly, while
I thought the only move was
[27...Nb2 , and after
axb5 29.Rdc1 White
is a lot better.]
28.Bxa4 bxa4
29.Rac1 Now
Black has only two moves.
29...d5 The
other one was
[29...Bb5 , but it does not help:
Bxc6 31.Nhf5!
gxf5 32.Nxf5
(32...Nxe4 33.Bh6+
Kg8 34.Rxd6!!
Bxd6 35.Qg4+
Ng5 36.Bxg5 )
33.Bxe7+ Rxe7
(33...Nxe7 34.Nxd6 )
34.Rxd6 Bd7
(34...Qc7 35.Qg3
f6 36.Rxc6
Qxc6 37.Qxg8+ )
35.Qg4 f6
36.Nxe7 Kxe7
37.Rxd7+ Qxd7
38.Qg7+ Kd6
39.Qxg8 ]
30.Nhf5! The point of my combination.
But now follows a sequence of shameful mistakes from both sides, seriously spoiling the game.
[30...d4 was objectively stronger: after
Rxc4 32.Nxe7
Qxe7 33.Bxf6
Qe6 34.Bg5 White
is better, but not winning, thou it's better not to play
35.Qa3 Qd6
36.Bd2 Rb6
37.Qxd6+ Rxd6
31.Nxf5?? Two blunders at once. I thought
this was winning, while it certainly does not, and because of that decided not to check 31.Bh6+, which
does. I found the win there two minutes later, but it was alteady too late.
[I was more occupied with lines like
32.exd5 Bxg5
(32...Rc8 33.Nxe7
Nxe7 34.d6 )]
32.Bh6+ A bluff. By this time I realized
that after the planned
[32.Bxe7+ Rxe7
33.Qxe4 Black is not forced to play
34.Rxd8+ Re8
35.Rxe8+ Kxe8
36.Rxc4 ,
but can reply with 33...Re8!!, defending everything at once, and White is simply a pawn down. I also
found how I could have won after 31.Bh6+. So I decided to check whether Wassily will find the refutation
of 32...Kg8.]
32...Kg8?? And he did not and thus
had not played
[32...Rxh6 33.Nxh6
Ng5 , after which White will almost certainly
33.Rxc4! Now he saw it. He sat there
for some ten minutes and then resigned and stormed away. The position is bad, but most of all, I guess,
it was intolerable for him to think about 32...Rxh6.
[33.Rxc4 Rxc4
(34...Ng5 35.Bxg5
Bxg5 36.Rxd8
Rxd8 37.Qg3
f6 38.h4 Rc1+
39.Kh2 Rdd1
40.Qg4 h5
41.Qxh5 )
(34...Bg5 35.Rxd8
Rxd8 36.Bxg5
Nxg5 37.Qh5
f6 38.Qh6 )
(34...Qc8 35.Nxe7+
Rxe7 36.Qg4+)
35.Nxe7+ Qxe7
36.Qg4+ Ng5
37.Qxc4 Qf6
38.Bxg5 Qxg5
39.Qxa6 Qc1+
40.Qf1 Qb2
41.Qc4 ]