Kramnik, Vladimir (2791) - Giri, Anish (2722)
Hoogeveen Unive Crown 15th (Hoogeveen), 10/16/2011
Round 1 [Stohl,I]
[1.d4 Nf6 2.c4
g6 3.Nc3 d5
4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.e4
Nxc3 6.bxc3 Bg7
7.Be3 - Kramnik,V (2781)-Giri,A (2701)/Dortmund/2011/
See the notes to this game in CBM 144. This time Kramnik tries a different approach...]
1...Nf6 2.c4
g6 3.Nc3
[Kramnik indicated his plans against
3...d5 a
few rounds later by
4.Qa4+ -
see Kramnik,V (2791)-Vachier Lagrave,M (2715) /Hoogeveen/2011/ Giri said he was inspired by Nakamura's
recent games against Kramnik and doesn't mind entering King's Indian territory. However, his opponent
was certainly prepared, as Anish has already played this opening earlier this year.]
4.e4 d6 5.d4
[7.Be3 exd4 8.Nxd4
Re8 9.f3 c6
10.Qd2 d5 11.exd5
cxd5 12.
(13...Rxe3!? 14.Qxe3
Qf8 was
introduced in the last K-K match in 1990.)
14.Bf2 Nxd4?!
( 14...a6)
15.Bxd4 Qb4
16.Rfd1 Bd7 17.a3
Qb3 18.Bd3 Rad8
19.Bc2 Qc4 20.b3
Qa6 21.b4 b6 Popov,V
(2565)-Giri,A (2690)/RUS-chT Olginka/2011/
Qb7 23.Rab1]
7...Nc6 Kramnik has been playing the
Classical line for two decades and has vast experience with it.
[The less usual
7...exd4 8.Nxd4
Re8 also had some recent outings:
(9...Nc6 10.Be3
Nh5 11.Qd2 Nxd4
12.Bxd4 Nf4 13.Be3
Nxe2+ 14.Nxe2
f5 15.Bg5
Qd7 16.Ng3
Qf7 17.Rac1
Bd7 18.b3
a5 19.a4 Be5
20.Bf4 Bg7
21.Kh1 b6 Kramnik,V
(2788)-Radjabov,T (2744)/ Kazan/2011/ Later in the nervous tie-break White managed to outplay his opponent,
but from the opening Black was doing OK.)
10.Kh1 Nbd7
(10...Nh5!? 11.g4
Nf6 12.Bf4
h5 13.g5 Nh7
14.Qd2 Nd7
15.Rad1 Qe7
16.Rg1 Ne5
17.Qe1 Nf8
18.Qf2 a6
19.Nb3 Be6
20.c5 Rad8
21.cxd6 Rxd6 Gelfand
- Griscuk, Monaco rapid 2011
22.Qc5 Rxd1
23.Rxd1 Nfd7 Gelfand,B
(2733)-Grischuk,A (2747)/Monte Carlo rpd blindfold/2011/)
(More usual is
11.Bg5 already
played by Kramnik in the past:
11...Qb6 12.Nb3
a5 13.Qd2
a4 14.Be3
c5?! 15.Nc1
Ne5 16.Rb1
Be6 17.b3
axb3 18.axb3
Qa5 19.Rd1
Red8 20.Nb5
Qxd2 21.Rxd2
Ne8 22.Na2
f5 23.exf5
Bxf5 24.Rbd1
Nc6 25.g4
Be6 26.Nac3
Na5 27.Rb1
b6 28.Kg2
h6 29.Bd3
g5 30.Be4
Bxc3 31.Nxc3
Rac8 32.h4 Kramnik,V
(2770)-Polgar,J (2670)/Dortmund/1997/)
(11...d5 12.cxd5
cxd5 13.Ndb5! )
(12.Bg1 /\ d5
13.cxd5 cxd5
14.exd5 Nb6
15.Qb3! Ponomariov)
(12.Qd2 Ne5
13.Rad1 Qc7
14.Nc2 Be6
15.b3 Rad8
16.f4 Neg4
17.Bg1 Bc8
18.h3 Nh6
19.Qd3? (19.Bf3
d5 20.cxd5
cxd5 21.e5
Ne4 22.Bxe4
dxe4 23.Bd4
Nf5 24.Nxe4
f6 ) 19...Nxe4!
20.Nxe4 Bf5
(2235)-Domogaev,S (2469)/Bogoroditsk/2011/)
12...Ne5 13.f4
Neg4 14.Bg1
h5!? 15.Bf3
(15.h3 Nxe4! )
15...Be6 16.b3?!
( 16.Qd3!)
16...Qa5 17.Qe1
17...Bf5 18.h3
Qd8! /\Ne4)
(18.h3! )
18...b4 19.Na4
(19...Nxe4! )
20.Qxb4 Qxb4
21.Nxb4 Bxf1
22.Rxf1 Nxe4
23.Nb6 Ra7
24.cxd6 Nxd6
25.Bxc6 Re2
26.N6d5 Kramnik,V
(2781)-Ponomariov,R (2764)/Dortmund/ 2011/ For more details see the notes by Ponomariov to this game
in CBM 144.]
8.d5 Ne7
[Although this line is Kramnik's trademark, lately he has also played
9.Nd2 ,
albeit without much success:
(9...Ne8 10.b4
f5 11.c5 Nf6
12.a4 f4 13.Nc4
g5 14.Ba3
g4?! 15.cxd6
cxd6 16.b5
Ne8 17.Bxg4
Qc7 18.Be2
f3 19.b6 axb6
20.Nb5 fxe2
21.Qxe2 Qd8
22.Nbxd6 Nxd6
23.Bxd6 Rf7
24.Bxe5 /+/-,Kramnik,V
(2780)-Nakamura,H (2733)/Khanty Mansiysk olm/ 2010/ In the later course of the game Black managed to
escape - see the notes by Krasenkow in CBM 139.)
(Fischer's move
9...c5 is
not too popular nowadays, here both
10.Rb1 (and 10.dxc6
bxc6 11.b4 allow
White to fight for an edge.))
10.a3 Kh8
11.Rb1 Nd7
12.b4 f5 13.f3
(13...Ng8 /\Ngf6 was introduced by Kasparov
and is played more often.)
14.Nb5 b6
(15.c5!? )
15...a4!? A paradoxical new idea,
which takes b3 away from the N and thus greatly complicates the c5 break.
(Kramnik was worried about
g5 17.Nxa4
Nf6 18.c5
g4 ,
but it's t so clear how strong the -> really is. Therefore this was a more testing and principled
16...g5 17.g4
h5 18.h3 Rf6
19.Bb2 Rh6
20.Kg2 Ng6
21.Rh1 Bf8
22.Kf2 Nf6
23.c5 dxc5
24.Nc4 Bd6
25.Bc3 Kg7
26.Qb2 cxb4
27.axb4 Qe7
28.Rbg1 Bd7
29.Nbxd6 cxd6 /\Rah8->,Kramnik,V
(2785)-Nakamura,H (2774)/Monte Carlo 2011 - see notes to this game by Krasenkow in CBM 142.]
[Giri's own recent game featured the older main line
Nd7 10.Nd3
f5 11.Bd2
(Unusual, 11...Nf6 12.f3
f4 is
the standard continuation.)
12.Nxe4 Nf5
13...Nf6 14.Bg5
h6 15.Bxf6
Bxf6 16.Bg4
b6 17.Rc3
a5 18.Ne1
Bg7 19.Nc2
h5 20.Bh3
Bh6 21.Re1
Kh7 22.Ng3
Qg5 23.Rf3
Bd7 24.b3
Rf7 25.Re4
Raf8 Renet,O
(2497)-Giri,A (2687)/FRA-chT Mulhouse/2011/]
10.g3 The
older alternative, played already in the 1950s.
[If only statistically speaking the main move here is
10.Re1 ,
but Kramnik played this a lot in the past. Suffice to say that after he beat Kasparov in Novgorod 1997
in this line the latter stopped playing the KID in classical games. However, lately Kramnik has been
doing some experimenting in the Bayonet Attack. His recent choice here has been
11.Ng5 Nf6
(12.f3 was played in no less than 5 (!)
Van Wely-Radjabov games. The last one from 2009, annotated by Van Wely in CBM 129, illustrates the problems
Black has to face after
12...Kh8 13.Rb1
h6 14.Ne6
Bxe6 15.dxe6)
12...c6 13.Ba3
(13.Be3 is a move, introduced by Kramnik
in the late 1990s. However, here extensive practice has shownthat
14.Ne6 Bxe6
15.dxe6 fxe4
16.Nxe4 Nxe4
17.Bxe4 d5
18.cxd5 cxd5
19.Bc2 b6 doesn't
give White an advantage.)
13...h6 14.Ne6
Bxe6 15.dxe6
fxe4 16.Bxe4!?
(16.Nxe4 Nxe4
17.Bxe4 d5
18.cxd5 cxd5
19.b5 dxe4
20.Qxd8 Rfxd8
21.Bxe7 Re8 is
known to lead to a drawish _|_.)
(16...Nxe4 17.Nxe4
d5 18.Nc5!
Qd6 (18...e4
19.Rc1 ) 19.Nxb7
Qxe6 20.b5
cxb5 21.cxd5
Qd7 22.d6
Nf5 23.Nc5
Qxd6 24.Qxd6
Nxd6 25.Ne4
(2788)-Grischuk,A (2728)/WCh Moscow blitz/2008/)
(17.cxd5 cxd5
18.b5 Nxe4
19.Nxe4 dxe4
20.Qxd8 Rfxd8
21.Bxe7 Re8 only
transposes to 16.Ne4.)
17...Qd6 18.cxd5
cxd5 19.Bb3
Kh7 20.Qe2
Nh5 21.Rad1
Nf4 22.Qf1
(22...Rac8 23.Ne4
Qxe6 24.b5 )
(22...Qxe6 23.b5
Rad8 24.Bxe7
Qxe7 25.Nxd5
Nxd5 26.Bxd5 Chabanon,J
(2455)-Touzane,O (2287)/FRA-chT/2010/)]
[Another try is
10.c5 Nf4
(11.Bc4 Bg4
12.h3 Bh5
13.Re1 Kh8!
14.Bf1 f5
15.Bxf4 exf4
16.Rc1 a5
17.a3?! (17.bxa5
Rxa5 18.cxd6
cxd6 19.Be2 ) 17...axb4
18.axb4 Bxf3
19.gxf3 (19.Qxf3
) 19...fxe4
20.Rxe4 Nf5
21.Rc4 Qg5+
22.Kh1 Bxc3
23.R4xc3 Ra2
24.R3c2 Bykhovsky,A (2405)-Avrukh,B (2495)/Beersheba/
1996/ - see Avrukh's notes in CBM 53.
25.Qxc2 Qf6)
11...f5 12.Bc4
fxe4 13.Nxe4
h6 14.Re1
(14.g3 Nh5 (14...Nh3+!?
15.Kg2 Bg4 ) 15.Nfd2
Kh8 16.Ra3
a6 17.cxd6
cxd6 18.b5
Bf5 19.bxa6
bxa6 20.Qe2
Qd7 21.Bxa6?! (21.Rb3!
) 21...Nxd5
22.Bb5 Qe7
23.Bc6 Ndf4!
24.gxf4 Nxf4
25.Qe1 Rac8
26.Bb5 d5
27.Ng3 Bh3
Bareev,E (2677)-Amonatov,F (2649)/RUS-chT Dagomys/2008/)
14...Bg4 15.Ra3
g5 16.h3 Bh5
17.Bxf4 Rxf4
18.g3 Rf8
19.a5 Kh8
20.Kg2 Rb8
21.Qd2 b6
22.axb6 axb6
23.Nfxg5!? hxg5
24.Qxg5 Bg6
(2781)-Nakamura,H (2770)/Dortmund/2011/ Later on White misplayed the complications and lost - see notes
to this game by Krasenkow in CBM 144.]
10...f5 11.Ng5
12.Bf3!? Natural
enough, but very rare. Now we have a position from the previous note, in which White has played g3 instead
of Re1. It's necessary to compare these lines, their pluses and respective drawbacks.
[The older move is
12.f3 f4 and
here White should perhaps reconsider
(13.b5 fxg3
14.hxg3 h6
15.Ne6 Bxe6
16.dxe6 Qc8
17.Nd5 Qxe6
18.Nxc7 Qh3
19.Rf2 Nxe4
20.fxe4 Rxf2
21.Kxf2 Rf8+
22.Ke3 Qxg3+
23.Kd2 Rf2
24.Ne8 Qf3!
25.Nxd6 Bf6
26.c5 Nd5!
27.exd5 e4
28.Ke1 Van Wely,L (2655) -Stellwagen,D
(2630)/Amsterdam/2009/ This game still remains the last word in the 13.b5 line.
29.Bd2 Qg3
30.Bxc3 e3 /\Rf1)
(13...a5 and)
(13...c6!? are
all viable improvements, leading to complex play.)
14.Ne6 Bxe6
15.dxe6 c6
16.b5 Qc7
17.bxc6 bxc6
18.Ba3 Rfd8
19.Qa4 Qc8
20.Rab1 Kh8
21.Rfd1 Qxe6
22.Qa6 h5
23.Rb7 g5
24.Rxa7 Rab8 Van
Wely,L (2585)-Ye Jiangchuan (2535)/Biel izt/1993/
25.Rb7! /\ Ra8?
12...c6 The standard reaction.
[12...h6 13.Ne6
Bxe6 14.dxe6
(14...c6 15.b5
fxe4 -12...c6 13.b5)
15.Nxe4 Nxe4
16.Bxe4 c6
(17.Qg4 d5
18.Bxg6 Nxg6
19.Qxg6 Qe8
20.Qg4 Rf6 )
(17.b5 d5 18.Bg2
Qd6 19.cxd5
cxd5 20.Qb3
Qxe6 21.Ba3 )
17...d5 18.cxd5
cxd5 19.Bg2
(19...b6!? 20.Qb3
Qd6 21.Rad1
Rad8 22.Bxd5
Nxd5 23.e7
Qxe7 24.Rxd5 )
20.Bc5 e4
21.Rc1 Rf6
22.Bxe7 Qxe7
23.Qxd5 Rxe6
24.Rc7 Qxc7
25.Qxe6 f^-,Shneider,A
(2537)-Zakurdjaeva,I (2308)/Aghios Kirykos/2008/]
[Black usually avoids the committal
13.Ncxe4 Nf5 ,
but even here White's advantage is only small.]
13.Ba3 Here
practical examples are scarce and this is already new.
[13.Rb1 cxd5
14.cxd5 h6
15.Ne6 Bxe6
16.dxe6 fxe4
17.Nxe4 Nxe4
18.Bxe4 d5
19.Bg2 Qd6
20.b5 Rad8
21.Qa4 Qxe6
22.Qxa7 Ra8
23.Qxb7 Rfb8
24.Qc7 Rc8
25.Qb7 Rcb8 1/2,Zubov,O
(2306)-Efimenko,Z (2546)/Kramatorsk/2002/]
[Seemingly more natural is
13.b5 Maybe
Kramnik disliked
(13...h6 14.Ne6
Bxe6 15.dxe6
Qc7? (15...fxe4
16.Nxe4 Nxe4
17.Bxe4 d5
18.Bg2! -
see the 12...h6 line above.) 16.Ba3 Rad8
17.Qb3 fxe4
18.Nxe4 Nxe4
19.Bxe4 Qc8
20.bxc6 bxc6
21.Rfd1 Qxe6
(2506)-Koch,F/Kleve /2000/)
14.cxd5 fxe4
15.Ngxe4 Nf5
16.Bg2 Nd4
(17.a4!? Bf5 )
17...Nxe4 18.Nxe4
Nxb5 19.Qb3
a6 20.Bb2
Rf7 21.a4
Nd4 22.Bxd4
exd4 23.Qb4 Podzielny,K
(2456)-Klein,D (2262)/ Groningen/2009/ White has about enough for the P, but can hardly claim an advantage.]
13...cxd5 Giri subsequently reproached
himself for this move, which gives White a chance to change the character of the position and further
complicate it.
[Instead he suggests
14.Ne6 Bxe6
15.dxe6 fxe4 Perhaps
more promising is
(16.Nxe4 Nxe4
17.Bxe4 d5
18.cxd5 cxd5
19.Bg2 (To give g3 some sense. Kramnik
had intended
19.b5 dxe4
20.Qxd8 Rfxd8
21.Bxe7 Re8
22.Bc5 Rxe6
23.Rfd1 Here White is a tempo up on
the aforementioned _|_, as he already has some luft with g3, However, this doesn't give anything tangible
23...a6 24.b6
Rc8 25.Be3
19...e4! (19...Qd6
20.Qb3 b5
21.Rad1 Rad8
/\ (22.Bxd5
Nxd5 23.e7
Qxe7 24.Rxd5
Kh7 25.Rxb5
) 22...Qxe6
23.Be3) 20.b5!? This
worried Giri during the game, but Black is OK after
b5! /\ 21.Rc5
Qb6 22.Rxd5
Nxd5 23.Qxd5
Rad8 24.Qxe4
Rxf2! 25.Rxf2
Rd2 26.Qe1
Rxf2 27.Kh1
Rf8) 20...Bxa1
21.Qxa1 Rc8
22.Qd4 Rc2!
23.Bb2 Rxb2
24.Qxb2 Qd6
25.Qd2 (25.Qd4
Qb6!?) 25...Qxe6
26.Qxh6 Nf5
16...d5 17.Bg2
Qd6 18.cxd5
(18...Nexd5 19.Nxd5
Nxd5 20.Qb3
Qxe6 (20...b5
21.Rac1 ) 21.b5
Rfd8 22.Rac1
(18...cxd5 19.Qb3
Qxe6 20.b5 /\Be7,Nd5^-)
(19.Nxd5 cxd5
20.Qb3 b5
21.Rad1 Rad8
22.Bc1! transposes
into 16.Nxe4.)
19...Qxe6 20.b5 ]
[Kramnik is spoiling for a fight and avoids transposing into the previous note with
h6 15.Ne6
Bxe6 16.dxe6
fxe4 /\d5 - see 13...h6.]
14...e4 15.Be2! No
fianchetto, the B doesn't belong to g2 here.
[15.Bg2 h6
(15...Ng4 16.Rc1
Ne5 17.Qb3!? )
16.Ne6 Bxe6
17.dxe6 d5 /=/+]
15...Ne8! Black transfers his N to
liquidate the o^ after the coming Ne6.
[15...Nfxd5? fails to 16.Nxd5
Bxa1 17.Nxe7+
Qxe7 18.Qd5+!
Kg7 19.Rxa1
Qxg5 20.Bb2+
Kh6 21.Qxd6
Rf7 22.h4
Qe7 23.Qf4+
g5 24.hxg5+
Qxg5 25.Qd6+
Qg6 26.Qd2+
Qg5 27.Qd5 ->,/\Kg2]
[15...f4 is less clear:
16...Nxe4 17.Nxe4
fxg3 18.hxg3
Bf5 19.Bd3
Bxe4 20.Bxe4
Bxa1 21.Qxa1
Nf5 22.Re1 ]
[16.Qb3 /\Rad1 is strategically sound,
but White must reckon with
16...Nxd5 17.Nxd5
(17...Bxa1 18.Rxa1
Qxg5 19.Nf4! )]
16...h6 Already the first step in
the wrong direction.
[A more circumspect move was
16...Bf6!? (Giri) 17.Ne6
(17.Qd2 h6
18.Ne6 Bxe6
19.dxe6 Bg5
20.Qc2 Bxc1
21.Bxc1 )
(17.h4!? h6
18.Nh3 g5
19.hxg5 hxg5
20.Re1 f4)
17...Bxe6 18.dxe6
Qc8 19.Nd5
(19.c5 Qxe6
20.cxd6 Nxd6
21.Nb5 Nxb5 (21...Rfd8!?) 22.Bc4
Qxc4 23.Rxc4
Nxa3 24.Rc7
b5! )
19...Qxe6 20.Nxf6+
Nxf6 21.b5 ^^
gives White compensation, but remains
17.Ne6 Bxe6
Nc7?! A
more serious mistake.
[18...Rf6?! 19.Nd5!?
(19.Qb3 Rxe6
20.c5 d5
21.Nxd5 Nxd5
22.Rcd1 Nef6
23.Bc4 )
19...Rxe6 20.Nf4
Rf6 21.Bb2 ]
[ 18...Qc8!
/\ 19.c5
Qxe6 20.cxd6
Nxd6 21.Nb5
Rfd8! 22.Nxd6
(22.Nc7 Qxa2
23.Nxa8 Qxa3 )
22...Rxd6 23.Bc4
Nd5 24.b5
Rd7 25.Qb3
Rad8 26.Rfd1
Kh7 and White should already bail out
(27.Rd2? e3 )
27...Rxd5 28.Rxd5
(28...Rxd5? 29.Rc7
e3 30.Re7 )
29.Qxd5 Rxd5
30.Rc7 Kg8
(31.Rxb7? Rd1+
32.Kg2 Bd4 )
31...Kf7 32.Rc7+ ]
19.b5 Be5? Now
the tactics will work in White's favour.
[ 19...Nxe6
to an advantage, but the game is far from over.
(20.Qxd6 Qxd6
21.Bxd6 Bxc3 (21...Rfe8
22.c5 ) 22.Rxc3
Nd4 23.Bd1
/\ 20...Bd4 21.c5
Bxc5? 22.Nxe4 ]
[Giri admitted he overlooked
21.c5 d5
22.Nxd5! Nxd5
23.Rfd1 /\ Nd4?
24.Rxd4! Bxd4
[20...Kh7 was more resilient, but still
21.Rfd1 Nxe6
22.c5 Nd4
23.Rxd4 Bxd4
24.cxd6 Nc8
(25.Qd5?! Bg7)
25...Nxd6 26.Rc7+
Bg7 27.Bb2
Ne8 28.Rxb7 /+-]
21.Rfd1 Nxe6 Black
is already under heavy pressure and it's difficult to suggestimprovements .
[21...Rf6 22.Bxd6!?
Bxd6 23.c5
Rxe6 24.Qb2!
Kh7 25.Bc4 ]
22.c5 Nd4 The
following sacrifice will be both natural and very strong, but
[22...Qd7 23.cxd6
Nc8 24.Nd5
Nxd6 25.Bb2 is
no better.]
23.Rxd4! Bxd4
[24...Nc8 25.Qd5
(25.Nd5 Nxd6
26.Nc7 )]
25.Nd5 Kh8
Be5 27.Bb2?! A
strange oversight, but even after dropping his o^ White's -> will be too powerful.
[27.Re7 ]
[27.Rxb7!? ]
27...Qxd6 28.Rxb7 The
R on the weak 7-th rank decides the game.
[28...Bxb2 29.Qxb2+
Nf6 30.Nf4
Rg8 31.Rf7
Raf8 32.Rxa7 ]
[29.Ba3 is
too mundane.]
[29.Bh5 was
equally strong.]
[29...axb6? 30.Rxb6 ]
30.Bh5 /\Bg6 Rab8
[31...a4 32.Bg6!
Ne7 33.Qb4
Qxd5 34.Bxe5+
Qxe5 35.Rxe7
Rxb6 36.Rh7+
Kg8 37.Qxb6
Qf6 38.Rb7 drops
a piece, but now the -> breaks through.]
32.Qxb2+ Nf6
33.Bf7 Kg7
34.Rd7 Qc6
[35.Be6+ Kg6