Nunn, John DM (2605) - Shirov, Alexei (2690)
Bundesliga 9596 (Germany), 1996
1.e4 g6 2.d4
Bg7 3.Nc3 c6
4.Bc4 d6 5.Qf3
e6 6.Nge2 b5
7.Bb3 a5 8.a3
Ba6 Despite my terrible loss against Judit
Polgar in the Donner memorial (Amsterdam 1995) I still employ this setup. It's hard to believe that with
such a bishop on b3 White should get the advantage.
[9.d5 and after 9...cxd5
10.exd5 e5 11.Ne4
Qc7 12.c4 bxc4
13.Ba4+ Nd7 14.N2c3
Ke7? 15.Nxd6! I
got crashed with the incredible speed. Of course, this time I hoped to improve somewhere but Nunn decided
not to test my preparation.]
9...Nd7 10.Bf4
Qe7 11.Rad1
[11.e5!? d5 12.Qe3 was
quite interesting as it would create some difficulties for Black to develop.]
11...e5 12.Bg5
[12.dxe5 would be answered by
12...Nxe5! with
the unclear game.]
12...Ngf6 13.d5?! A
very dubios plan but I don't know what to recommend White.
14.a4 b4 15.Nb5
Nb6!? As usual I am being quite ambitios.
I saw that simple
[15...Bxb5 16.axb5
Nb6 would be very good but I wasn't sure
that I would establish a clear advantage after
17.Qd3! with
the idea to answer
17...a4 with 18.Bc4 .
The text might objectively be even better but still it's not as strong as it seems. After White finds
a few very good moves (most of which I of course hadn't seen) the game becomes rather sharp and complicated.]
16.Qd3! c4!
17.Bxc4 Nxa4 18.Ra1! This
I overlooked.
[18.Rb1 Nc5 19.Bxf6
Bxf6 20.Qf3 would
be more according to my plan.]
18...Nxb2 19.Qb3
Nxc4 20.Qxc4 Rc8
21.Qd3 Qd8 22.c4!
[22...bxc3 23.Nexc3
(23... )
24.Qxc3 Bxb5
25.Bxf6 Bxf6
26.Rfb1 Bd7
23.Ra2! Another surprise. Here I realised
that if I choose now a 'normal' continuation, White would soon get full compensation for the pawn. But
then I saw a rook sacrifise. It was difficult to convince myself to do it - just couple of moves ago
I thought I had had a clear advantage and now I have to take such risks! Some minutes of doubts and I
decided let it be. It's simply the best way.
23...Rxc4!! Variations
[23...Bxb5 24.cxb5
Ra8 25.Rfa1 would
just demonstrate White's positional power. But now Black's pawn are going to be really atrong.]
[24.Qxc4 Qb6 would
finally lead to the same thing.]
24...Bxf6 25.Qxc4
Qb6 26.Qc7
Qxb5 27.Qxd6
[27...Bd8!? would probably also keep Black's
advantage and be less concrete. The text leads to positions where such a small thing as White's pawn
on h2 and not on h3 will sometimes become a decisive factor.]
28.Rc1! Unprotected first rank leads
to White's loss in the line
[28.Rfa1?! b3!
b2 30.Qxa6
28...Rd8! 29.Qc6
[29.Qc5 b3
30.Rb2 a4 looks
clearly in Black's favour since the queen's exchange -
Bxb5 32.Ra1
Rc8 is catastrophic for White.]
29...b3! Not
[29...a4? since in the endgame arising
30.Rxa4 Qxc6
31.dxc6 Bxe2
32.c7 Rc8
33.Rxb4 only White has chances to win.]
30.Rb2 # Here I got a feeling of horror
as if something was completely misplayed. But it was definitely my day since I quickly found a move that
justified all my previous play.
30...Qd3!! But
[30...a4? that would fail to
Qxc6 32.dxc6 .Now
White's pieces are out of coordination, his back rank is still a shame on him and 31...Rc8 is threatening.]
31.Rcb1? Being short of time Nunn loses
immediately. He had to try
[31.Rxb3! and it's not sure that in the
game I would respond correctly. My home analysis convinced me that 31...Qxe2 would give White good practical
drawing chances while 31...Qxb3! should maintain Black's edge intact. Here are the variations:
(31...Qxe2 32.Rf3
Be7 (32...Bg5?
33.Qc7 Rf8
34.Qxe5+ f6
35.Rc7+ Kh8
36.h4 Qd1+
37.Kh2 Qxf3
38.Rxh7+ Kxh7
39.Qc7+ Kg8
40.gxf3 ) 33.Qc7
Qb2 34.Re1! (34.h4
Rf8 (34...Rd7?
35.Qxd7 Qxc1+
36.Kh2 Qc5
)) 35.Rcc3 (35.Rc6
Bd8 36.Qd6
Bb7 37.Rc4
Bxh4 38.Rc7
) 35...Bxh4
36.Qxe5+ Kg8
) (34.h3
Rd7 35.Qxd7
Qxc1+ 36.Kh2
Qc5 37.Qe8
) (34.Rd1?
) 34...Re8
35.Qxa5 Bb5
32.Qxa6 a4
(32...Bg5 33.Qc4! )
33.Ng3! Be7!
(33...a3 34.Rc7 (34.Nf1?
Be7 35.Rc7
Bd6 36.Rb7
Qc2 37.Qa7
Rf8 ) 34...a2
35.Ra7 Qb1+
36.Nf1 Qxe4
37.Qxa2 Qxd5
(34.Qa7 Bd6
35.Qa5 Rb8
34...Bd6 35.Rb7
(35...Qc2 36.Qb6!!
Bc5 37.Rxf7+!
Kxf7 38.Qe6+
Kf8 (38...Kg7
39.Qxe5+) 39.Qf6+
Ke8 40.Qe6+
Be7 41.Qg8+
Kd7 (41...Bf8
42.Qe6+) 42.Qe6+
Kc7 43.Qxe7+)
36.Nf1 Qd4! In
this position Black should definitely win due to his a-pawn but it still requires a good technik.
(36...a3 37.Qb6!
Rb8 (37...a2?
38.Qa7! ) 38.Rxb8
Bxb8 39.Qxb8
a2 40.Qxe5+
Kh6 41.Qf4+)]
31...Rc8 The rest is easy to understand.
[32.Qd6 a4 ]
33.Rxb3 Qxe2
34.Rf3 Bd3
35.Qd7 Bxe4
36.Rxf6 Kxf6
37.Qd6+ Kf5
38.Rf1 Bd3
39.Qd7+ Kf6 White
resigns. If my analysis is correct then it's one of my best games so far. The complications starting
with 15...Nb6!? went in right direction.